PROMPT: Discuss your chosen profession and why it is the best fit for you. Essays must be 3 pages, single-spaced, with five sections and an APA-formatted reference page. This essay is 25% of the grade.
SERVICES: Editing completed in 6 hours for $250 USD.
RESULTS: Author recieved a 100/100 on this paper.
FILE: health-sci-final-paper.pdf
PROMPT: Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others. Essays must be 250-650 words.
SERVICES: Writing completed in 6 hours for college applications.
RESULTS: Author was accepted into Georgia Tech (12% out-of-state acceptance rate), University of Florida (30.1% acceptance rate), SUNY University at Stony Brook (44% acceptance rate), and more.
FILE: personal-essay.pdf
PROMPT: What have you learned from your experience working in diverse groups? Essays must be 250-500 words.
SERVICES: Editing completed in 3 hours for $150 USD.
RESULTS: Author was accepted into desired program for study.
FILE: application-essay.pdf
PROMPT: Choose a topic in psychology to write a five-page research paper on. Essay must explain the research behind your chosen topic and propose a hypothesis for study.
SERVICES: Writing completed in 5 weeks for a psychology course.
RESULTS: Author recieved a 100/100 on this paper.
FILE: research-paper.pdf